Chronic Subdural Hematoma, Review of 30 Cases Managed at DHQ Teaching Hospital, Sahiwal Medical College, Sahiwal


  • Muhammad Asif Department of Neurosurgery, Sahiwal Medical College, Sahiwal
  • Aatika Younus Department of Neurosurgery, DHQ Teaching Hospital, Sahiwal


Chronic subdural hematoma


Chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) most commonly occurs in elderly patients. Our aim was to examine the incidence, clinical presentation, causes (pathology), mode of surgical treatment and final results in patients with chronic subdural hematoma were identified. The chances of chronic subdural hematoma were always more in old age patients. Head trauma i.e. fall & road side accident was the cause in 76.66% and etiology was not known in 23.33% of patients. The common clinical presentation was headache, vomiting, altered conscious level (60%) and neurological deficits (50%). All the patients (100%) were operated while one patient died after surgery.


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