Incidental Findings of Dextrocardia in Patient with Cerebellar Arteriovenous
Cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) have a congenital origin, and the diagnosis rate during infancy and youth is only 18-20%. The clinical presentation of intracranial haemorrhage is observed in 75-80% of paediatric patients. The introduction of novel agents for endovascular management has led to enhanced surgical outcomes by preoperative AVM embolization. Dextrocardia with situs inversus is also a rare congenital abnormality in children. A significant proportion of individuals diagnosed with dextrocardia remain oblivious to their condition due to the prevalence of asymptomatic cases. We are documenting a case involving a 12-year-old girl who was presented with an altered state of consciousness and vomiting. Her Neuroimaging showed posterior fossa bleed and diagnosed with cerebellar arteriovenous malformation (AVM). Endovascular embolization of AVM was done and an incidental finding of dextrocardia with situs inversus was noted during the procedure. This case report aims to find if there is any association between Brain AVMs and Dextrocardia in the paediatric population.
Keywords: Dextrocardia, Arteriovenous Malformation
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