Assessment of Nocturnal Pain Control Outcomes Following Open Surgical Release of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


  • KHALID ANWAR KHAN KHANZADA Department of Neurosurgery, 1Medical Teaching Institute, Lady Reading Hospita
  • MUBASHIR HASSAN Pak International Medical College and Hospital, Peshawar–
  • ARSHAD KHAN Department of Neurosurgery, 1Medical Teaching Institute, Lady Reading Hospital


Carpal tunnel syndrome, Thenar, Entrapment neuropaghy


Objective: To assess the Nocturnal Pain Control Outcomes of Open Surgical Release of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Study Design: Descriptive case series.
Place and Duration of Study: Medical Teaching Institution, Govt. Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar from 3/5/2016 to 3/11/2016 (six months).
Materials and Methods: Patients of tunnel syndrome (CTS) of both gender and age ranging from 20 to 60 years were included. Patients with recurrent carpal tunnel syndrome and those having previous wrist surgery done for other diseases were excluded. Diagnosis was done on history, clinical examination and electrophysiological studies. Open surgical release was done in all cases. Patients were followed after 10 days and were assessed clinically on visual analogue scale. Statistical tests with significance of P < 0.05 were utilized using statistical package of social sciences (SPSS version 17).
Results: Mean age of the study participants was 39.90 ± 3.99. Twenty one percent (21%) patients were male and seventy nine (79%) patients were female. Fifty – eight percent (58%) of the patient had CTS in right hand while forty – two percent (42%) had in the left hand. Eighty two percent (82%) patients had controlled pain while eighteen percent (18%) patients had uncontrolled pain.
Conclusion: Our study concludes that eighty two percent (82%) patients had complete relief of nocturnal pain in patients presenting with carpal tunnel syndrome after open surgical release.


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