Pattern of Various Neurosurgical Diseases and Their Surgical Management in a District Headquarter Hospital, A Study of 80 Cases


  • RIZWANULLAH KHATTAK Department of Neurosurgery, D.H.Q. Hospital Kohat Road, Peshawar


Lumbar disc herniation, laminectomy


Objectives:  The objective of this study was to find out the pattern of Neurosurgical problems in a D.H.Q Hospital Kohat Road, Peshawar, which is a secondary care centre.

Study Design:  Retrospective study.

Materials and Methods:  This study was conducted in the D.H.Q Hospital Kohat Road, Peshawar from 15 May, 2008 to 15 Oct, 2008 with 1-3 months of follow-up. In these five months total 52 OPD days were attended in which total 1400 patients were treated. Out of these patients 80 patients were admitted for different Neuro-surgical procedures.

Results:  80 patients including 50 male and 30 female were operated upon for different Neurosurgical diseases. Out of 80 admitted patients for neurosurgical procedures 39 (48.7%) were of lumbar disc herniation, 10 (12.5%) had lumbar spinal stenosis, 3 (3.75%) patients had scalp lesions, 3 (3.75%) patients had myelomeningocele, 2 (2.5%) were operated for sciatic nerve repair, 07 (8.75%) were operated for carpal tunnel syndrome CTS, 02 (2.5%) were operated for tethered cord syndrome (TCS), 02 (2.5%) were operated for infra-orbital nerve avul-sion, 06 (7.5%) patients were shunted for hydrocephalus, 1 (1.25%) had ulner-nerve release and 01 (1.25%) pati-ent was operated for craniosynostosis. 

Conclusion:  Most of the Neurosurgical procedures except brain tumors don't need any sophisticated facilities, rather it is the will of neurosurgeon which counts. Most of spinal surgery, shunt for hydrocephalus, scalp lesions, craniosynostosis can be operated in the record care centre and depending upon the skill of the neurosurgeons.


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