Surgical Decompression of Carpel Tunnel Syndrome


  • LIAQAT ALI Saidu Teaching Hospital, Saidu Sharif, Swat


Objective:  To study the out come of surgical treatment of carpel tunnel syndrome, and to evaluate symptomatic improvement.

Material & Methods:  This study was conducted in the department of neurosurgery saidu teaching hospital, swat from January 2006 to December 2007.All the patients were randomly selected irrespective of their age and sex from neuro surgical out door clinic. Patients responded to conservative treatment were excluded from the study. The age range was from 20-70 years. A total of 83 patients were included in this study. 72 (8.6.74%) were females and 11 (13.25) males.

Results:  83 patients with age ranging from 20-70 years, 72 (86.74%) females and 11 (13.25) males (6.5:1) were subjected to surgical decompression 30 (36.14%) patients had bilateral carpel tunnel syndrome. Excellent result were obtained in 71 (85.54%) patients, good in 9 (10.84%) while 3 (3.6%) patients had poor response.

Conclusion:  Surgical decompression is more effective than conservative treatment.


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