Modifiable Factors Associated with Intracerbral Hemorrhage


  • MUBASHER AHMED Department of Neurosurgeyry, King Edward Medical University / Mayo Hospital, Lahore – Pakistan
  • SAJID HUSSAIN MUGHAL Department of Neurosurgeyry, King Edward Medical University / Mayo Hospital, Lahore – Pakistan


Background and Purpose:  The purpose of the study was to evaluate modifiable factors causing intracerebral hemorrhage in our set up.

Material and Method:  This prospective descriptive study was done at King Edward Medical University/ Mayo Hospital, Lahore from January 2009 to August 2010. Patients of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage admitted through emergency department were included. After history and examination, diagnosis of ICH was made on CT brain without contrast in all cases. Further evaluation was done by platelet count, INR, LFTs, renal function tests and CT angiogram brain. Modifiable factors studied were hypertension, coagulopathy and drugs. Only patients of negative CT angiogram were included in the study.

Results:  Age range of patients was 11 to 85 years. Male were more than female i.e. 24 (54.5%). Maximum patients i.e. 10 (22.5%) had ICH in 7th decade. Maximum patient had uncontrolled hypertension as the cause of intracerebral hemorrhage i.e. 31 (70.5%). It was followed by coagulopathy and smoking i.e. 4(9.9%). Dengue fever was present 2 (4.5%) cases and both had low platelet count.

Conclusion:  Hypertension is the commonest modifiable risk factor for ICH, affecting middle aged and elderly persons. All modifiable factors especially hypertension needs extensive public awareness programs to decrease mortality and morbidity related to ICH.


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