Clinical Presentation and Surgical Management of Brain Abscess


  • SHABIR AHMED LEHRI Department of Neurosurgery, Bolan Medical College, Quetta


Objectives:  To determine the clinical presentation, surgical management and outcome of patients with Brain Abscess in our locality.

Study Design:  Descriptive study.

Place and Duration of Study:  Bolan Medical complex, Sandeman Provincial Hospital and Akram Hospital, Quetta. Duration from January 2003 to July 2004.

Subject and Methods:  Study conducted on twenty patients with Brain Abscess confirmed on CT Scans. Patients of both gender and all age group were included in the study. Those managed conservatively were excluded from the study.

Results:  Surgery was performed on all patients with the mortality rate of 20% (4) in this study.

Conclusion:  Appropriate microbial coverage and surgical management of Brain Abscess reduced the mortality and neurological deficits.

Key Works:  Brain Abscess, Neurological deficit, Mortality.


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