Frequency of Deranged Lipid Profile in Patients with Stroke
Objective: This study aims to find out the frequency of patients with strokes at Lady Reading Hospital in Peshawar have abnormal lipid profiles.
Materials & Methods: The Department of Medicine at Lady Reading Hospital in Peshawar conducted this cross-sectional, descriptive study. There were 96 patients in all, both genders, who presented with a stroke between the ages of 30 and 70. Individuals with CRF (chronic renal failure), CLD (chronic liver disease), or medications that reduce cholesterol were not included. Blood samples were collected and transferred to the laboratory to measure the lipid profile.
Results: In this study, the age range was 30 to 70 years old, with a mean age of 53 years. The majority of the patients (54.17%) ranged in age from 51 to 70. There were 58.33% males and 41.67% females. 40 (41.67%) stroke patients had a disordered lipid profile. Of the stroke patients, 41.67% had abnormal total cholesterol, 53.13% abnormal LDL cholesterol, 25.0% abnormal triglyceride levels, and 21.88% abnormal HDL cholesterol.
Conclusion: This study concluded that the frequency of dyslipidemia in stroke patients is very high. With this knowledge, specialized statin drugs could be created, leading to better disease control. Patients with ischemic stroke were more likely than those with hemorrhagic stroke to have abnormalities in their lipid levels.
Keywords: Stroke, Cholesterol level, Dyslipidaemia, Lipid Profile, Cerebrovascular Accidents.
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