Transpedicular Fixation for the Alleviation of Neurogenic Claudication and Backache in the Management of Spondylolisthesis
Spondylolisthesis; Transpedicular fixation; Neurogenic claudication; Backache;Abstract
Objective: To evaluate the surgical outcome of transpedicular fixation for degenerative spondylolisthesis in terms of alleviation of neurogenic claudication and backache
Materials & Methods: This prospective observational study was carried out at the department of Neurosurgery, Medical Teaching Institute, Bacha Khan Medical Complex, Swabi over a period of two years i.e. from 1st July, 2021 to 30th June, 2023. Patients presenting with backache and neurogenic claudication and having spondylolisthesis on radiological investigations were subjected to transpedicular fixation and evaluated for improvement in symptoms and fusion rate at 6 months follow up.
Results: 60 patients participated in the study. Mean age was 41.42±7.29 years and 63.3% were females. L5-S1 was the most common level involved in 40% of the patients and 50% of the patients had Grade 2 spondylolisthesis. There was significant reduction in mean back-pain score on NRS post-operatively (Pre-op was 6.73±1.94 Vs. post-op was 1.57±1.34, P value = 0.00). The neurogenic claudication reduced from 88.3% Vs. 10% (P value = 0.00). The fusion rate was 90% at 6 month follow up.
Conclusion: Transpedicular fixation for degenerative spondylolisthesis is the most effective procedure in terms of relief of neurogenic claudication and backache.
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