Osteomalacia in Neurosurgical Practice - A Review of 32 Cases


  • MUMTAZ ALI et al Department of Neurosurgery, PGMI, LRH, Peshawar


Osteomalacia, Osteoporosis, Osteopenia,


Objectives:  To assess the apparently neurosurgical presentation of patients suffering from osteomalacia which is potentially preventable and treatable metabolic disease, (mimicking discogenic disorder), osteomalacia.

Study Duration:  January 2005 to December 2006, covering a period of two years in the department of Neuro-surgery Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar and Department of Medicine Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar.

Study Design:  Descriptive observational study.

Material & Method:  This is a review study of 32 cases of osteomalacia presenting as discogenic disorder, collected from the Neurosurgery OPD. A separate Performa, which outlined, age, sex, marital status, gestational history, educational status, main presenting complaints, history of exposure to sunlight in the domain of urban and rural set up. The duration of the symptoms, history of medical and surgical treatment and procedures was used. This was supplemented by appropriate hematological and biochemical profile namely hemoglobin con-centration, ESR, serum calcium, phosphate and serum alkaline phosphates levels. A detailed note of the plain radiological findings mainly the looser zones and CT scan or MRI findings was also made to exclude the other diseases. All patients having biochemical profile and radiological evidence of osteomalacia were included. While patients having other orthopedic, neurosurgical and medical conditions not fulfilling this criteria were excluded. The available data was analyzed according to the set parameters and was later used for discussion and recommendation.











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